1、My dear ,for the hurt you sought to do me was is your good opinion.你想给我制造的痛苦只是你对我爱情的证明。
2、2、Men, instead of being content with being freely given for long periods what they hardly dared hope to get once, are forever asking their mistresses for an account of the present, the past and even the future. As they get used to a mistress, they try to dominate her, and they become all the more demanding the more they are given.男人们总是这样的,一旦他们得到了他们原来难以得到的东西,时间一长,他们又会感到不满足了,他们进而要求了解他们情人的目前、过去、甚至将来的情况。
4、3、Life is no more than the repeated fulfilling of a permanent desire.The soul is merely the vestal handmaid whose task is to keep the sacred flame of love burning.人生只不过是为了满足不断的欲望。
6、4、.Wholly pure sentiments are to be found only in women who are wholly chaste.只有真正贞洁的女人才会有真正纯洁的情感。
7、5、True love always makes a man finer,whatever sort of woman inspires it.真正的爱情总是使人变得美好,不管激起这种爱情的女人是什么样的人。
8、6、When your life has become so dependent on a habit as strong as our habit of loving,it hardly seems possible that the habit can be broken without also demolishing everything else which buttresses your life.当爱情成立生活中的一部分时,要想摆脱掉而又不损害生活的其他方面,似乎是不可能的。